The Importance of His Presence

John 6:16-21

The passage we just read is preceded by the familiar story of Christ feeding the 5000. It is at the climax of Christ's popularity as a preacher. At this point, multitudes are flocking to Christ, hoping to either have a miracle performed for them, or else, at least, to see a miracle performed by Him. John 6:2 says a GREAT MULTITUDE followed Him. John 6:15 says they were going to attempt to force Him to become their king. He was VERY popular. But, by the time this chapter is finished, the popularity is over. No one, except the disciples were left to follow Christ. Popularity is a fleeting thing! If you base your life on the popular thing, guaranteed, you will be in for a roller coaster ride! In our passage today, we have the account of one of the very last events in the life of Christ, while He was still considered popular to the multitudes. However the focus isn't on the multitudes, but the disciples. They had grown a bit cold toward the Lord and His miracles.

MR 6:52 FOR THEY CONSIDERED NOT THE MIRACLE OF THE LOAVES: FOR THEIR HEART WAS HARDENED. Jesus withdrew Himself from the multitudes and the disciples, not arbitrarily, but for a purpose. His purpose was to teach a lesson of great importance. This is what I want us to consider this morning: the importance of His presence.

I. The Nature of Storms and Trials

II. The Nature of the Savior

III. The Nature of His Presence

Do you know His presence this morning? First of all have you placed your faith in the finished work of Christ on Calvary? If not, the invitation is for you to come now and trust in Him. Only then can you know the blessings of His presence in your life.

Christian, have we taken Him for granted? Like the disciples, have we grown a bit indifferent toward Him and the importance of His presence? Reach out to Him today. Do we find ourselves in the midst of a trial or storm? Seek the Lord and His presence will make all the difference in the world!