Mistakes are not uncommon. All of us make them whether we want to admit it or not! However, some mistakes are more serious than others because of the consequences.
There have been times when I have given incorrect directions to someone in telling them how to get somewhere…the result was some loss of time and a bit of frustration for them and embarrassment for me. But when I was in the Navy, at a Naval Air Station, an air-traffic controller gave incorrect directions to two incoming aircraft - the result: tens of thousands of dollars worth of damage and the loss of several lives. A very serious mistake resulted in great loss. But the most serious mistakes made are those which result in the loss of one's soul for an eternity. Tonight I want us to consider a man who made five serious mistakes with regard to his deliverance. Sad to say, that multitudes today are making those same mistakes and the consequences of those mistakes will last throughout eternity.
The man is Naaman (v1)
a. This affliction robbed him of his joy over his achievements.
b. He was personally burdened with the disease but was helpless to do anything about it.
c. There was no cure for leprosy - only a miracle could deliver him.
a. They may be able to find success in their chosen field.
b. Others may applaud them for their accomplishments
c. But sin ravages their life
d. Only a miracle from God can deliver them from that sin!
Five Serious Mistakes That Naaman Made:
I. He offered the wrong price. (v 5)
A. Ten talents of silver six thousand pieces of gold, and ten changes of raiment.
1. 750 pounds of silver
2. 150 pounds of gold
3. At today's rate of exchange that is a fortune
B. He was willing to pay any price to be released from his affliction - many today try to do the same.
1. They think that by giving large sums of money to some charity or to some church that God will be pleased.
2. But God isn't interested in the size of our bank account - He's interested in the surrender of our will.
3. Peter said that our redemption isn't by silver or gold but by the precious blood of Christ!
4. We cannot purchase salvation because the price has already been paid… Jesus Paid It All
II. He went to the Wrong Person v 5-6
A. He assumed that if healing was to be found in Israel that it would come from the greatest.
1. His King had written a letter of recommendation for him.
2. He delivered it to the King of Israel - but the King couldn't help him.
B. He failed to listen to the witness given in v3!
1. The little maid pointed him to the man of God - Elisha.
2. The king of Israel knew he couldn't help He knew he didn't possess the power of God.
C. Salvation is of God!
1. Many people are looking to men
2. But only Jesus can save us -
(Acts 4:12) "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
3. Men will let us down - but Jesus never fails!
III. He went to the Wrong Place v 7-9
A. Elisha told the King "let Him come now to me"
1. That's what he should have done in the first place.
2. Elisha wasn't being boastful - He was confident in the Lord.
3. He knew that God could meet Naaman's need!
B. Naaman came but stood outside the door v9
1. So near and yet so far away.
2. He came to Elisha's house, but not to Elisha.
3. Many folks come to the house of God - but not to the Lord Himself.
4. They come so near to salvation but still they are lost.
5. They are convicted but not concerned convinced but not surrendered.
IV. He wanted to use the Wrong Prescription v10-11
A. Elisha sent a messenger
1. The message was simple - go wash seven times in Jordan and thou shalt be clean.
2. God makes it simple but man complicates matters.
3. Ac. 16:30-31 = The jailer asked "what must I do to be saved?"
4. The answer was simple "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved"
5. The gospel is simple - Ro. 10:13, "Whosoever shall call upon the Lord shall be saved."
B. Naaman was infuriated.
1. He rejected the message because he thought it was too simple.
2. He already had a pre-conceived idea of how God would work.
3. He expected Elisha to come out and perform some ritual to bring about His cure.
C. Many reject the Gospel message.
1. Because it doesn't fit their concept of salvation.
2. Some want to boast about a vision rather than believe a verse.
3. When Elijah was in a cave, God came to Him. NOTE: I Ki. 19:11-13a
V. He had the Wrong Attitude v 12
A. He went away in a rage because he didn't get his way.
1. He allowed pride to get in the way of his obedience.
2. He considered the waters of Syria to be better than the Jordan.
3. But the deliverance wasn't in the water!
4. It was in his obedience to the message!
B. How many souls will suffer an eternity in the Lake of Fire because their pride got in the way of their obedience to God.
1. Church organist needed to be saved, but didn't because "What would people think?"
2. Ps. 34:18, "The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite (broken) spirit."
3. We ought to be more concerned with what God thinks than what others might.
VI. Notice God's Grace v 13-14
A. He had another witness.
1. 2 Pet. 3:9 - God is not willing that any should perish.
2. His servants asked Him why reject it just because it's simple?
B. He obeys and finds deliverance.
1. His leprosy is gone
2. His body is cleansed
C. Not only does he find deliverance, but he also finds the Lord - "Now I know that there is no God in all the earth, but in Israel..." (v 15)
Serious mistakes can result in serious consequences.
Don't make the same mistakes today. Do you know Christ Have you been cleansed from sin? Are you living your life in obedience to His Word Will you allow pride to stop you from doing business with God? Come now, and don't delay.