Edify One Another

Romans 14:19

Caring Christians love one another. We have already looked at and emphasized the statements in scripture that tell us to "love one another" (John 13:34-35). Loving one another is not only a matter of words; it is a matter of deeds. It is one thing to say to someone, "I love you," but quite something else to prove it by our actions. Notice the word "edify" in verse 19. The word means "to build up." It comes from the Latin word which means "to build." Christians who care edify one another; they build one another up in the faith. We can be used of the Lord to help "build up" others, or be used of Satan to tear down, to destroy. It is much easier to be a destroyer than to be a builder. God has given us several spiritual tools that we can use for building up one another!

I. Our Example.

II. Our Speech.

III. Our Spiritual Gifts.

IV. Our Love.

V. Our Prayers.

VI . God’s Word.

Are we a destroyer, or are we a builder? Is God using us to build up His people? Christians who care ‘love one another’ and ‘edify one another’. If someone had to describe our church would they say that we edify one another?