Benefits of Being Born Again

Romans 5:1-2

Many times the questions that are asked before a person will take a job is, "What are the benefits?" In most cases, the benefits are worth more than the wages.

There are many benefits of being a born again child of God. The ultimate benefit is not having to go to hell, and having a home in Heaven for ever and ever. But there is so much more to salvation. It is not just a fire-escape from hell!

Note: Romans 5:1-2

I. Justified by Faith. v1

II. We Have Peace With God. v1

III. We Have Access to God. Rom 5:2

IV. We Have Hope. Rom 5:2

Whether it is a major purchase, a change in jobs, a decision concerning school, to help us make the decision we will consider the benefits. What are the will it help me and my family? These are questions we consider with most of the choices we make in life.

The decision that I am challenging you is of eternal importance. Consider the benefits of being born again. Of coming to Christ for salvation.

How can you have all these benefits? Come to Jesus by faith. Accept the finished work of Christ on Calvary as the atonement for your sin and be born again! Christian, are you enjoying all your benefits today? They are here for every child of God to enjoy. Peace, Access, and Hope all because we are Justified by faith.