Faithful Men

Psalm 112:1-3

Men don't always say what they mean, so ladies, please allow me to translate for your future benefit:

The message today is not about the past; this is about our future prevention and present progress as godly faithful men!

(Proverbs 20:6) Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?

More than ever before, we need to be godly faithful men.

Let me point you to one of many passages that speak directly to the issue of godly faithful men. Turn with me to Psalm 112. Let's read this powerful passage of scripture that was written by a man... for men.

Notice David is the author of this Psalm:

Read: Psalm 112:1-3

I. Acknowledge The Power Of Our Influence.

II. Avoid The Pitfalls Of Our Masculinity.

III. Arrange The Priorities Of Our Life.

Let's take a moment this morning for some honest evaluation. As I said at the beginning, this message today is not about the past; this is about our future prevention and present progress as godly faithful men!

The first consideration is to make sure that we have a right relationship with God. Do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are born again? If not, why not come now and settle this. Place your faith in the only Way of salvation…faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on Calvary.

If that is settled, then we need to evaluate our priorities this morning. Perhaps we need to make some adjustments. Come now; do not delay.