God Wants Your Heart

Proverbs 23:26

Pr 23:26 My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways.

The story has been told of the Indian chief who sought to obtain salvation by offering first his blanket and then his gun to God. He was told that gifts like these would not purchase divine favor, but that if he wanted to be saved he must give his heart to God. Now at first this sounds good, and often the phrase "give your heart to God" is seen as a synonym for salvation. Another similar phrase is "asking Jesus into your heart". Now, both of these phrases deal with the heart and with the Lord, but nowhere in the Bible is a person who is unsaved…a lost sinner…instructed to give their heart to God or to ask Jesus to come into their heart! The Gospel does not require us to give anything to God. Eternal salvation is a matter of faith. When we place our faith in the finished work of Christ on Calvary, then we are saved!

God doesn't want the lost sinner to give Him their hearts…He wants them to believe on Him.

I. Our Heart Is Wicked

II. What is Our Heart?

III. God Wants Our Heart.