Faithful Mothers

Philippians 2:19-23

Paul is making reference to Timothy when he tells us that there is "… no man likeminded…" Basically he is saying that there is no one else that is like him. Now this is quite a commendation. What in Timothy's character would justify such a statement? Let's read 1 Timothy 1:1-5.

(2 Tim 1:5a) "When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee…"

Here Paul speaks of Timothy's faith, his unfeigned faith. The word 'unfeigned' means honest or genuine faith. Paul relates Timothy's faith to the faith of his mother, Eunice, and his grandmother, Lois. In this passage we see three generations of faith.

Now most of us have precious treasures that we have received from our mothers or our grandmothers. These treasures may not be valuable in today's market, but they are priceless to us, because they were handed down to us through the generations.

May I suggest that there is something more precious than those heirlooms? It is our faith. Mothers, and grandmothers, this is your day. It is the day we celebrate, honor, and remember each of you. But here we have a mother and grandmother that have been placed within the pages of the Word of God for all of us to remember. Why, because they were careful to pass along their faith. This morning I want to challenge each of us to follow their example. Pass along your faith to your children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren. It will be the most important gift that you can give to them.

I. A Faith Which is Scriptural.

II. A Faith that is Real.

III. A Faith that is Memorable.

As we consider our faith this morning, perhaps you need to trust Christ as your Savior. The invitation is for you to do just that. Come now and allow us to show you from the Word of God how much He loves you, and how you can have eternal life. Perhaps we have not been the example of faith that we need to be to our families. The Bible tells us that we can do all things through Christ…will you come today? Whatever the need might be the invitation is for you to come and do business with God.