Tomorrow morning will see many individuals who are discouraged. "Blue Monday" is a term used quite frequently, but times of discouragement are not limited to Mondays! They can come at any time and can last from just a few hours to months and even years. From time to time all of us get down, but this is not depression. Note: 2 Co. 4:8-9.
Depression is ceasing to function in our daily chores and interests. It is giving up on our responsibilities. Depression results from handling a down period sinfully. Times of discouragement may be caused by any number of things, but depression comes when we give in to these down feelings. God does not want us to be "feeling" oriented, but rather "commandment" oriented. That means we do right whether we "feel" like it or not!
Tonight, I want us to realize that we, as believers, are not immune from times of discouragement, but we can "get out", and "stay out" of times of depression! We will look at two characters this evening from the Scriptures that were men of great faith, and yet they allowed themselves to become depressed to the point of wanting to die! That is sinful!
I. Moses
A. Background Nu.11:1-10
1. He had been used of God to lead the nation of Israel out of bondage.
2. The people knew little else than a life of miracles.
3. They had seen a safe passage through the Red Sea; ate a steady diet of nourishing manna; enjoyed plenty of fresh water; and followed Divine guideance all the way.
4. Still they griped and complained.
5. Their focus was fixed on Egypt and the past rather than the future in the promised land.
6. Moses had listened to their griping and complaining continually, and it had an effect upon him.
B. Depression. Nu. 11:11-15
1. Spiritually: Moses felt distant from God. v11-13
a. He began to ask God "Why?"
b. He began to complain about the burden that he was under.
c. When we get depressed, it isn't long before we begin to question God.
d. The people were backslidden, and they were beginning to affect Moses.
e. This is a fact. If we find ourselves continually in the company of people who are not right with God it will affect us!
f. Example of Musician in the orchestra: He may have his violin tuned to perfection, but if others are out of tune he will soon begin to think he needs to change. That is why they need a tuning doesn't change!
2. Emotionally: Moses was trying to carry the burden alone. v14-15
a. He took the situation with the people as one of personal failure.
b. He reached the point where he cried out, "I can't handle this!"
c. He reached the point where death was a welcome relief from all the pressure.
d. He had been faithful and diligent in his leadership, but the people had griped and complained.
e. He lost sight of the truth that God rewards faithfulness not necessarily man's ideas about success.
3. Physically: Moses was exhausted and overworked.
a. He had not learned to delegate his work load.
b. He was trying to carry the weight of everyone else's problems all alone.
c. Moses needed to share the responsibility of dealing with the people.
C. Solution 11:16-17
1. God told Moses to slow down.
2. He said for him to get some help. "...that thou bear it not thyself alone."
3. We need each other! We cannot do it all by ourselves.
II. Elijah.
A. Background. 1 Kings 18
1. We are all familiar with the events of chapter 18.
2. The famine, drought, and the confrontation with Jezebel's 450 prophets of Baal.
3. Elijah had experienced a great spiritual victory.
B. Depression. 1 Kings 19:1-4
1. Spiritually: Elijah took his eyes off God.
a. His fear was an indication that he had fixed his eyes upon Jezebel.
b. It almost seems impossible that he would react in this manner.
c. However, when a person begins to look at life's situations apart from God, he will react in the flesh.
2. Physically: Elijah was worn out.
a. In fear of his life, he had just ran about 30 miles.
b. Not only was he exhausted from running, but from his previous encounter with the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel.
c.He had missed meals and sleep...literally he was totally exhausted.
3. Emotionally: Elijah suffered from a martyr's complex.
a. When he reached the juniper tree, he felt that he was all alone.
b. There he requested death; he said that he had had enough, and that he could go no farther.
c. We find that Elijah felt that he was the only one who had remained faithful to God. cf. v10
C. Solution.
1. God fed His servant and allowed him to rest for a while. v5-8
a. Elijah needed to let God minister to him.
b. Sometimes we get so busy we forget that He came to minister.
2. God provided Elijah with a true friend: Elisha. v19-21
a. Once again we see that God responds to our need for fellowship.
b. When we have someone to share our burdens with we are less likely to become depressed.
III. Conclusion.
A. We need to understand that depression comes when we fail to handle the circumstances of life properly.
B. If we find oursleves caught up in depression:
1. Confess it and ask God's for- giveness.
2. Start assuming responsibilities again, whether we "feel" like it or not!
3. Refuse to engage in pity parties or to listen others!
C. We can avoid depression:
1. Carefully schedule our time and tasks to avoid imbalance.
2. Keep our focus upon God and not upon ourselves.
3. Learn to delegate authority and workload, don't try to do it all!
4. Most of all, we must learn to rest in the Lord.
5. All of us get down, but we need not be down and out!