God desires for every authentic church to enter greatness. Greatness is not determined by attendance, offerings, or size of facilities. It is reflected by maximum service in that church's own setting. Whether or not a church enters greatness is decided in a very significant location, a place called "The Edge of Greatness". That edge is found at the intersection of opportunity and choice. God's Old Testament people stood on the edge of greatness in a dramatic and unavoidable moment. Unquestionably God had brought them to that moment. Jehovah sent the ten plagues, led them through the Red Sea, and provided an exodus. God promised them a new land. Yet at the edge of greatness they stopped believing. With overwhelming evidence of God's power behind them, they suddenly stopped believing God and stopped pressing forward.
Out of twelve spies who investigated the greatness of their tomorrow, ten said that they could not do it. This episode was recorded as an example for us.
Note: 1 Co. 10:11, "Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come." Grace Baptist Temple stands at the same edge of such greatness. The evidence of our past shows God's definite leadership. We must decide whether to press on to greatness or retreat to a wilderness of mediocrity.
I. We Ought to Explore Greatness Carefully. 13:2
A. God lets us look at the vision of greatness.
1. "Send thou men, that they may search the land... "
2. They chose representative leaders to look at the greatness God had promised.
3. The function of leadership is to explore the vision of tomorrow and bring back a word for direction today.
B. We ought to explore thoroughly God's promise for greatness.
1. They examined every aspect of what God had promised.
2. They took an adequate amount of time forty days.
3. They saw the truth of a land filled with promise.
4. Their leaders ought to bring back evidence of future greatness (vv. 22-23).
5. They brought back tangible evidence that God's promise about the future was as rich and ripe as He'd said.
C. In much the same way, Grace Baptist Temple has had 33 years to consider all that God can do.
1. We have seen His past faithfulness and should believe in His future provision.
2. We have carefully explored the provision that God has made for our future.
3. God has brought us to the place of needing additional space to accommodate the continuing growth of this ministry.
4. We are presently working on plans for expanding our facilities and starting some new ministries.
5. I believe that this is a step in the direction of greatness.
III. We Ought to Cross Over to Greatness.
A. Everyone should see the evidence of greatness for the future.
1. All twelve of the Hebrew spies brought back the word that the land was as good as God had said. v27
2. It was undeniable that there was blessing ahead if they would cross over and take it.
3. It was at this point a difference of opinion emerged.
B. For many the threat outweighs the blessing of greatness.
1. "Nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land..." v28
2. Ten came with a bad report about the people and the situation.
3. They saw the impossible and said the impossible.
4. Every advance is in the face of facts why it cannot be done.
C. When their original negativism was not enough, they began to imagine that things were worse than they were.
1. "And they brought up an evil report of the land..." v32-33
2. The essence of their report was to postpone, hesitate, resist, wait, digress, and go back.
3. Unbelief always waits for a more convenient season.
4. They were positive as long as they were not confronted with the immediate call to advance.
5. We could take this attitude.
6. There are giants of economic uncertainties, future unknowns, and shadows of the undetected we cannot see.
7. We could say that we are for building a great church, but not right now!
D. For others the blessings outweigh the threats.
1. Caleb said, "We are well able to overcome it." v30 6
2. It is not what meets the eye but the person behind the eye that counts.
3. He repeatedly said. "He will lead us.... he will give it to us... Do not be afraid, .. Lord is with us" (14:8-4).
4. Joshua and Caleb also saw the giants, but they saw God as larger than the giants.
5. They knew that the God who led them that far would not abandon them on the edge of greatness.
IV. There Are Results When We Refuse to Cross Over to Greatness.
A. When a church refuses greatness, it turns on itself.
1. Numbers 14 contains a full report of the self-destructive grumbling that character- ized God's people who refused greatness.
2. A church either gives itself to growth, conquest, and vision or pettiness and arguments about procedures, policies, and the preservation of the status quo.
B. When a church refuses greatness, it wants to go back (14:2-4).
1. On the edge of greatness a church may decide to turn around and go back.
2. But the man who said it was right, "You can't go home again".
3. Israel wanted suddenly to go back to Egypt--the good old days of slavery and brick making!
4. But they were caught in a wilderness of wandering for forty years of lost opportunity.
5. A church does not go back "to the way it was."
6. When a church says no to greatness, there are years of slow death and decline.
What will be your response? Will you choose to go forward for the Lord or remain the same? We are at the edge of greatness. The intersection of opportunity and choice. Will we go forward in this new year and seize the opportunities that God has for us. Or, will we refuse?
Allow me to apply this message in a couple of ways. This challenge applies to our individual walk with God and it applies to us as a church.
Individually, will you move forward in your walk with God in the coming year? Certainly there are obstacles to be overcome, but we do not walk alone! Our Lord has promised to be with us every step of the way. If you are not a Christian, you are faced with the choice of accepting Christ or rejecting Him...there is no middle ground! As a child of God you are faced with the choice of moving forward with Him or turning back! Again, there is no middle ground! What will you do? As a church, we are entering into our 34th year of ministry. We can look back and see great things that God has done for us in the past 33 years! We are on the edge of greatness! Our choices are simple. Will we accept the challenge and move forward? Again, there will be obstacles, but as Caleb said, "Let us go up at once and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it."