Baptist Distinctives: Two Ordinances

Matthew 3:1-6

Tonight I want to continue to look at some of the things that sets Baptists apart from all other groups within Christianity. We are Baptists and there are some distinctives that identify us as such. We have discussed our history. And we have discussed our position on the Word of God. Another distinctive that we have is that we observe only two ordinances in the local church. They are Baptism and the Lord Supper.

Tonight we, as a church will be observing the Lord’s Supper. It pictures the purity of the body and blood of Jesus Christ. It pictures for us the sacrifice that He willingly made to redeem mankind. And it reminds us not only of the past, but points us to the future coming of Christ.

This evening’s message will focus primarily on the subject of baptism. I believe that it is very important that we understand this matter. We will consider four areas this evening: The history, purpose, results, and authority.

The Holy Spirit places great emphasis upon baptism in the New Testament. The words: Baptist, baptism, baptize, and baptized are used a total of 113 times. For some it seems that baptism is a non-essential doctrine and practice, but I believe that God's Word makes it clear that it is not unimportant!

I. History of Baptism.

II. The Purpose of Baptism.

III. The Results of Baptism.

IV. The Authority to Baptize.

Your baptism is important! It means so much more than just a religious ritual. Tonight if you are saved, you should be Scripturally baptized! It is not an option to you! It is a command! Not just any authority will do when it comes to baptism.

Only the local N.T. church that teaches the truth about baptism can administer Scriptural baptism. One of the great distinctives of Baptists is our position on baptism. The most important question for you tonight is this, "Are you saved?" The next question is "Have you been obedient in this matter of Scriptural baptism?"