I cannot speak for everyone, but it is my contention that there is not one to be found who does not desire the good life, fulfillment of purpose, satisfaction and contentment.
I believe that one would be found to be a fool who would willingly and willfully desire anything less.
Yet, as we look out across our community and from among our acquaintances and friends, it soon becomes evident that a good many must not know that there is a way to have the good life, to find fulfillment, to be satisfied and content.
In the words of our text it is revealed that our Lord believed and pronounced blessedness in relation to certain conditions and upon certain individuals who would allow Him to bring those conditions to bear in their individual lives.
Jesus plainly teaches us that a man can be and have that which is spoken of as blessedness. Blessed then means enlarged, lengthened, and, by implication, fulfilled, content and happy.
Real true, lasting happiness is not only that which comes from the Lord, but is to be found only in the Lord Jesus Christ.
These first few verses are called the Beatitudes. They concern themselves with qualities of the citizens of God’s kingdom. In them I believe we find the way to happiness, fulfillment, and contentment ... the good life.
I. Blessed are the poor in spirit... (3)
A. The word "poor" here means absolute poverty.
1. One much like Lazarus who was absolutely destitute.
2. Totally dependent upon others for the bare necessities of life.
B. One who is poor in spirit is one who recognizes his absolute poverty in spiritual things.
1. He lacks the self-sufficiency of the Pharisee cf. Lk. 18:11-12
2. He knows that within himself there is nothing to justify him before God.
3. He realizes that all he can do is cry out for mercy. cf. Lk 18:13
C. The poor in spirit are those who have been convicted of their condition.
1. They realize that they need grace.
2. Jesus says that only such a person can become a citizen of the kingdom of heaven.
3. There is no place to be found for the proud in spirit only the poor.
II. Blessed are they that mourn... (4)
A. The word "mourn" means to mourn as for the dead.
1. It is the strongest word in the language of the NewTestament to express the meaning.
2. He that is "poor in spirit" mourns for his sins.
B. Conviction should always be followed by repentance.
1. Realizing his own sinfulness and unworthiness...
2. He is plunged into deep mourning for what his sins have done to him and to God also.
3. He knows "godly sorrow" which ‘worketh repentance" 2Co. 7:10
C. They will know the comfort of the Holy Spirit.
1. He is the comforter. Jn 4:16-17
2. The Holy Spirit brings conviction which results in repentance and then He comforts us.
III. Blessed are the meek.... (5)
A. Meek is not the same as weak!
1. Unfortunately our English word gives that impression.
2. The original word is a much more powerful word.
B. One who is "meek" is teachable
1. He recognizes his short- comings, is free from pride and is filled with humility.
2. He commits himself to the One who can supply his lack.
C. As one who has committed himself to the King, he shall inherit the earth.
1. The earth or land is the possession of the King.
2. This is a reference to possessing what the King has - an inheritance.
3. This is a future inheritance cf. Ps. 37:10-11
IV. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness... (6)
A. Hunger and thirst are the most demanding of appetites.
1. These are only appeased for a little while.
2. They are never totally satisfied.
B. For a citizen of the Kingdom, a truly born again individual - their appetite for righteousness grows
1. The self-righteous man has no such desire.
2. The ungodly man has no such desire.
3. But the child of the King keeps on hungering and thirsting for God’s righteousness.
C. Jesus says they are blessed - happy - and that they shall be filled.
1. Their hunger will be satisfied by the "Bread of Life" ...
2. Their thirst will be quenched by the "Water of Life".
V. Blessed are the merciful... (7)
A. Salvation came as a result of God’s mercy upon us cf. Titus 3:5
1. Therefore, we are to show mercy to others.
2. We reap what we sow!
B. If we show mercy, because Christ was merciful to us, then mercy will come back to us.
1. Prov. 11:17, "The merciful man doeth good to his own soul..."
2. Prov. 21:21, "he that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life..."
C. To fail to render mercy to others is evidence that we have never received mercy from God.
VI. Blessed are the pure in heart.... (8)
A. The word pure means unmixed and unadulterated.
1. Its difficult to find purity today.
2. There are too many substitutes - too many fillers.
B. A child of God should have a pure heart.
1. That means a heart with unmixed motives
2. A heart that is loyal under all circumstances - one that can be trusted.
C. Jesus said, "No man can serve two masters..."
1. "A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways" Jas. 1:8
2. Jesus said the pure in heart would see God.
a. This picture is drawn from Oriental customs of kings.
b. Only the most trusted servant could see the king in his court.
VII. Blessed are the peacemakers... (9)
A. Christ the King is the peacemaker
1. Between God and man: Note: Col. 1:20-21
2. Between man and man: Note: Eph. 2:12-18
B. The message of the Gospel is a message of peace.
C. Men shall find peace within them- selves and among themselves only as they find Christ the peacemaker.
D. Peacemakers will be known as the children of God.
1. This speaks of more than just a superficial relationship.
2. It speaks of the very character of those who have been saved.
VIII. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake... (10-12)
A. A life separated from the world can expect to receive the hatred of the world.
1. Jesus spoke of this in Jn.15:18 -19
2. "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." cf 2 Tim. 3:12
3. It is abnormal for the Christian and the world to love one another. cf. I Jn 2:15-16
B. Jesus never promised an easy road for His followers.
1. But He never asks us to do anything He has not endured.
2. He wants us to live godly separated lives - He did.
3. He wants us to love the unlovely - He did.
4. He wants us to bear the message of grace - He did.
5. He wants us to be faithful to serve God - He did.
C. Jesus did promise us great reward.
1. We are in good company - with Christ and the prophets of old.
2. This world will pass away - along with all remembrance of our persecution.
3. But our reward is "incorruptible and undefiled, and fadeth not away" cf I Pe. 1:4
4. "And when the Chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away" I Pe 5:4
Do you want the good life? Here we have the way to have it. A right relationship with God which leads to a right relationship with others will result in satisfaction, fulfillment, and contentment.
Do you have a right relationship with God this morning? What about with others? Come this morning and settle this with God, once and for all!