The Idle Word

Matthew 12:36

Bernard H. Goetz, who claimed self-defense in shooting four youths just before Christmas, 1984 in a New York subway train, was acquitted of all charges except possession of an illegal weapon. But a second grand jury, called because of new evidence, indicted Goetz on four counts of attempted murder and other charges as well. It seems that Mr. Goetz talked too much about the incident after his acquittal by the first grand jury. Had he kept quiet and refrained from certain remarks, the case would never have been revived.

President Reagan was testing a microphone just prior to a regular Saturday afternoon broadcast and spoke in jest about bombing Russia. Some reporters took the comment and printed it in their columns. Before long the entire world knew what the President had said. It reminds us of what the Lord said in Luke 12:3, "Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops."

Isn't it amazing how little we regard the sins of speech? An angry word uttered in the heat of the moment, an insinuation is made, perhaps a thoughtless swearword is spoken, or the passing on of some little morsel of gossip. Too often we consider these to be inconsequential at the time, and then later we regret what has been said. God doesn't take such a casual attitude toward these sins. Note: Mt. 12:36

I. What is an Idle Word?

II. What is so serious about idle words?

III. Accountability for Idle Words.

Nothing change anything that we have previously said, but, sin can be confessed, repented of, and forgiven. We can do something about what we may say in the future.