Jesus began to teach using parables. Prior to this point in His ministry He taught openly for all to hear, but most of the people didn’t want to hear the truth. (Not so much different from today.) What had happened is that the Jews, for the most part, had rejected Him and His message. They had said that He did miracles by the power of Satan, not by the power of God! Note: Mt. 12:24; Mk 3:22.
He now turns His attention to a more personal and individual approach to reaching people. Only those who really wanted to hear would inquire and find the truth. Note: Mark 4:11-12. Compare with Mt. 13:15
When we look at a parable we should do three basic things:
1. Consider the picture as our Lord gave it in its setting and surroundings.
2. Next we need to pay attention to the Lord’s explanation.
3. We draw application for ourselves today.
Last week we looked at the parable of the sower which the Lord includes in three of the Gospel accounts. Tonight we will look at another parable of sowing.
This one only included in Matthew’s account. It is the parable of the wheat and tares.
I. The Setting: v24-30
II. The Explanation: v34-43
A. The Sower: the Son of Man or Jesus Christ.
B. The Field: the world
C. The Enemy: the wicked one or Satan (note he does his work under the cover of darkness)
D. The Tares: children of the wicked one (not just weeds, but a plant that looks like wheat the only difference is the fruit)
E. The Harvest: at the end of the age
F. The Reapers: God’s angels
G. The Result:
1. The tares will be gathered and burned in the fire.
2. The wheat will be gathered into the barn.
III. The Application:
A. The field is the world, and it belongs to God.
1. It is up to God to determine what to do with the field.
2. It may now be under the influence and power of the evil one, but one day God will reclaim all ownership rights.
B. God will decide when and who will do the reaping.
C. Our business is to grow, to develop, and to fulfill the purpose of our Lord who put us here.