In our study we have looked some of the guiding principles for believing the promises of God, and we have discussed how to become a promises believer. That ought to be one of our goals in life...becoming a promises believer. It will make a difference in your Christian life!
This morning we want to look at the "All" encompassing promises of God. I want us to concentrate on these promises because they all use the word "all". Also, each of these promises have to do with being a giver.
Note: Mal. 3:7-10
I. The First Promise Concerns the "All" Encompassing Duty of the Giver.
A. It is the duty of every believer to give tithes and offerings.
1. Do not deceive yourself into thinking that this principle does not apply to us today.
2. Here is another promise that is conditional.
3. We cannot claim the promise of God's abundant supply if we are being disobedient in the area of our giving.
B. This promise was given as the key to the revival of backsliding Israel.
1. God tells them in v7 that if they would return to Him that He would return to them.
2. How can we get right with God? Get right in the area of giving!
3. Note: if we are not being obedient to God in this area it is sin.
4. God also instructs His people as to where to bring their tithes and the storehouse.
5. He did not leave it up to them to decide where to put it!
C. Consider the open windows.
1. There are only two places in the Scripture where this phrase is used.
2. In Genesis when God poured out judgment on the wicked world with the great flood.
3. When God opened the windows of heaven and poured out rain upon this earth it was totally covered.
4. In the same way, God wants to pour His blessings out upon His people...that there shall not be room enough to receive it!
5. If we aren't obeying God it is because we do not believe His promise in this area!
II. The Second Promise Reminds Us of the "All" Encompassing Priority of the Giver. cf Mt. 6:33
A. The priority of the believer is that we put God, not money, first in our lives.
1. It is clear from the context that the Lord is talking about life's material blessings here.
2. In v21 He uses the word treasure and in v24 He talks about serving the god of mammon or money.
B. Once again this promise is conditional.
1. Seek first the kingdom of God...
2. If we will put God first in all things, we will receive two great benefits or results.
a. God will see to it that our need for material things is met. "all these things shall be added unto you"
b. God will give us peace of mind
c. Throughout the passage the Lord tells us to "take no thought" or not to worry about these things.
3. We need to ask ourselves, "Is Jesus Christ first in our lives?"
III. The Third Promise Concerns the "All" Encompassing Supply of the Giver. cf. 2Co. 9:6-8
A. This promise is directed toward the happy, cheerful, purposeful giver.
B. The promise is fourfold...v7
1. God promises "all grace", "all sufficiency", "all things", and "all good works".
2. Note the cycle of this verse:
a. As believers, we can only give that which we have received.
b. God gives to us that we may in turn give.
c. His promise to us is that He will make all grace abound toward us...but for a purpose.
d. "To every good work".
3. God's promises are not empty!
a. 'Grace' is the supernatural power to enable us to do what God has called us to do
b. 'Sufficiency' means that God will always and under all circumstances meet the need of the giver.
c. God promises to supply every possible need so we may abound in every good work we undertake.
C. God's commitment to supply all our needs is unlimited. cf Ph. 4:19
1. We limit God by our unbelief.
2. We limit God by our disobedience.