God is Great

Malachi 1:14

Malachi was called to perform a difficult and dangerous task. It was his responsibility to rebuke the people for the sins they were committing against God and against one another, and to call them to return to the Lord. Malachi took a wise approach: he anticipated the objections of the people and met them head-on. 'This is what God says,' declared the prophet, 'but you say...” and then he would answer their complaints.

God had much to say to His people who had sinned against Him. In each of these chapters we find a complaint leveled by the Almighty God against, not the world and not the lost man, but against those who were His own. We must not make the mistake of thinking that Malachi is just ancient history. Unfortunately, these conditions and sins are present with us in this day and age as well.

In chapter one he deals with their attitude toward God; in chapter two he deals with their unfaithfulness; and in chapter three he deals with their robbery and arrogance. This morning I want to focus upon the wrong attitude toward God. I believe if we fail in this area we will also fail in the rest.

In the first five verses Malachi deals with the fact of God’s love for His people which was proven over and over again. He now turns his attention on the problem of their attitude toward such a loving and compassionate God. They were guilty of dishonoring the great name of God. When Malachi confronted them, they arrogantly asked, “... Wherein have we despised thy name?” so he told them.

I. They were offering defiled sacrifices on the altar. v6-10

II. The Problem was Really Their Attitude.

III. God Deserves the Best.

There are just some simple thoughts here in this passage for us this morning.

Do we honor Him with our lives? Do we give Him His rightful place? Have we grown weary in obeying Him? Come today and accept Him. Come today and give Him His proper honor in our life.