The term 'lost' is something that all of us understand. Most of us have lost something at some time or another. We may have been sorry at the loss. It may have cost us to have to replace it. Ex. Chris and chorus transparencies.
But consider the usage of this word in reference to eternity. Now it takes on a much more somber and serious connotation. To be lost forever…for all eternity! It should bring us great concern for those who have rejected the truth of the Gospel.
Many times folks think that to make a commitment to Christ is too great. (And it is a great commitment). I have had people tell me that they would have to give up drinking… smoking… drugs… or other behavior. Certainly there are changes to a person's life. But this morning, for a moment I want us to consider the cost of not making that commitment. The cost of being lost for eternity is also great. No hope of ever getting out of hell and eternal torment.
Read: Luke 12:16-21
This is a sad parable of a lost man who lost everything. He was prosperous but pitiful. He was rich but he ends his life in regret. Consider with me today the high cost of being lost. Why di this man lose it all?
I. His Happiness Was Limited to the Happenings of Earth (v. 16)
A. "The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully"
1. Everything seemed to be going so well
2. I am sure that his neighbors looked at him and marveled at his great success.
3. He was happy; he evaluated his life and success and determined to expand his operation.
B. But investments here are always risky, think of what financial reverses would have done to him [3]
1. A drought would have devastated him.
2. Too much rain would have ruined him.
3. He failed to recognize that these things are always a possibility.
4. He had made no plans for disaster.
C. His disaster came in an area totally unexpected. (they usually do)
1. He thought he had plenty of time. "…take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry."
2. But God thought otherwise. "…This night thy soul shall be required of thee…"
3. He was totally unprepared for eternity.
4. All of his happiness and attention had been spent on the things of this earth.
II. His Holdings Were Limited to the Harvests of Earth (vv. 17-18)
A. "What shall I do ... ?"
1. His prosperity produced problems for him.
a. He didn't know what to do with his success
b. His increasing wealth complicated his life (it didn't make things easier)
c. He gave no thought to sharing with others who were in need
B. The rich fool suffered from I trouble
1. "This will I do: I will pull down my barns"
2. His new barns would advertise his affluence
3. "There will I bestow all my fruits and my goods"
C. But everything this man harvested was perishable.
1. None of it would last forever.
2. His fruits and goods would eventually rot.
3. Even his new barns would eventually decay and fall apart.
4. That is the way of this world and this life.
5. The things of this life simply will not last. (cars; houses; possessions; etc)
III. His Hopes Were Limited to the Horizons of Earth (vv. 19-20)
A. This man was prepared for retirement.
1. He looked to the future with confidence in what he had accomplished.
2. He did all he was supposed to do as far as the world's standards go.
3. We are bombarded with information and advertising that prompts us to prepare for our future by making some kind of investments.
4. He made the right investments for his earthly holdings…he was successful as a farmer and his harvest proved that.
B. But his plan for the future was faulty because it didn't include God.
1. He had neglected to plan for eternity.
2. He failed to consider his need beyond the grave.
3. Perhaps he was too busy to consider what would happen after death.
4. Maybe he felt he was too enlightened to believe in heaven or hell.
5. No matter what he may have thought or believed…it didn't change the facts.
6. God said, "…This night…"
7. He went out into eternity 'Lost' forever!
C. Everything he had worked so hard to accumulate was left behind.
1. What a tragic development!
2. Everything he had worked so hard to gain.
3. He lost it all, including his soul.
IV. The Lord's Application. (v21)
A. It is a warning to all of us.
1. Where is our focus?
2. Is it upon this world and the things of this world?
3. Is it only on the temporal?
4. Jesus said we would suffer the same loss.
B. Failure to be 'rich toward God' will mean eternal loss of our souls.
1. Eternity without Christ…
2. Eternity in the Lake of Fire…
3. Eternal pain and torment…
4. Eternal darkness…
5. No hope…lost forever!
C. The invitation is for all of us.
1. Those who are without Christ; come to Him in faith today and find eternal life.
2. Those who are believers; evaluate your life…what are you investing your time and talents in? Will it bring eternal reward?
3. If not, come today and get things right with God…
4. Surrender your heart and life to Him today.