"And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary..." This morning I would like us to turn our attention to the place called Calvary and to the event that took place there nearly two thousand years ago.
We might wonder how that something that took place so long ago and so far away could have any impact upon our lives today, but the crucifixion of Christ was not just another historical event. From God's point of view the death of Christ is the focal point of time and eternity. All Christian truth finds meaning and unity in the cross. The death, burial, and resurrection of Christ is the grand theme of the Old Testament, the climax of the four Gospels, and the content of the messages of the New Testament epistles.
This morning as we go to Calvary look and listen to what is taking place there. The Lamb of God is being sacrificed for you and for me. For six hours Jesus will hang on that old rugged cross suspended between heaven and earth. Seven times He will speak. Let's listen carefully to hear what is being said.
"Father forgive them; for they know not what they do."
I. Jesus Prayed from the Cross.
A. This should not surprise us.
1. Jesus was truly a man of prayer.
2. He would go alone for hours and pray for a lost and dying world.
3. He continues to make intercession for us today. "...He ever liveth to make intercession..." cf Heb. 7:25
4. His public ministry on this earth began with prayer, now it is only fitting that it ends in the same manner.
B. He continues to set an example for us.
1. He taught His disciples to pray, and He calls on all of us to pray as well.
2. But His prayer is not self-centered.
3. He doesn't cry out for pity, doesn't curse His crucifers, doesn't plead for His release...
4. He prays for the very ones who placed Him on the cross and cried out for His execution.
5. He practices what He has preached. cf Mt. 5:44
C. We need to follow His example.
1. We have come to a very serious hour in time.
2. The political, economic, and global complexion of our time is changing rapidly.
3. The disease of AIDS has reached epidemic proportions.
4. God's prophetic program for the ages is literally unfolding before our eyes.
5. If there was ever a time that we needed to pray, it is today.
II. It Was a Prayer of Forgiveness.
A. The Source of Forgiveness: "Father"
1. When Daniel prayed, he confessed the sins of his nation and declared, "To the Lord our God belong mercies and forgivenesses..." cf Da. 9:9a
2. It is God the Father who grants forgiveness based upon the completed work of Jesus Christ on Calvary.
3. The scribes knew that only God could forgive sins. cf Mk 2:5-7
4. No other person has claim to this power...the source of forgiveness is God the Father!
B. The good news is that forgiveness is available to all.
1. Too often people think that they must earn forgiveness from God.
2. The price has been paid on Calvary.
3. Jesus prayed for those who beat Him.
4. He prayed for those who had nailed Him to the cross.
5. For those who mocked Him and hurled insult upon insult at Him.
6. He prayed for you and for me ... Father forgive them they know not what they do.
C. Forgiveness brings the cleansing that we all need.
1. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God ... there is none righteous, no not one ... there is none that doeth good.
2. We may have not stood with the crowd that crucified Christ on that day, but we stand in need of forgiveness.
3. Paul wrote, "And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses." cf Col. 2:13
4. This is the message that we must proclaim to a lost and dying world ... God wants to forgive sin!
III. It Required the Sacrifice of the Lamb of God.
A. This was God's plan, but they didn't know what was happening.
1. Jesus said, "...they know not what they do."
2. Sin is symbolized in the Bible as leprosy.
3. Leprosy is a disease that attacks the body in such a way that the nerve endings degenerate and the body loses feeling and sensitivity.
4. The leprosy of sin had caused these people to be unaware of what they were doing.
5. They were crucifying the very Son of God!
B. Jesus was born to die.
1. He came into this world for one purpose and one purpose only.
2. That was to become our substitute.
3. "For the wages of sin is death..."
4. Christ died on the cross for you and for me that we might live eternally.
5. Paul declared, "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief" cf lTi. 1: 15
C. There could be no forgiveness without the death of Christ.
1. Now we can obtain God's forgiveness.
2. Now we can be set free from the chains of sin.
3. Forgiveness is now freely and eagerly offered to all men...
4. But only those who know that they have sinned and come to Christ confessing their sins can ever receive God's forgiveness.
5. As Jesus looked down upon the crowd, some were great sinners and some were small sinners, but all needed forgiveness!
6. He prayed, "Father forgive them..."
What is your need this morning? Do you need to be cleansed from your sin? Do you need to accept Christ as your Savior? Know this, Jesus loves you and gave Himself for you. And forgiveness can be yours for the asking. This is the message this world needs to hear! Christian, are you proclaiming the precious truth of God's forgiveness?
Perhaps you have been hurt and wounded by another. Can you forgive? The greatest roadblock to personal revival is an unforgiving spirit. No one has been wronged like Jesus ... and He was willing to offer forgiveness. What about you?