Into Thy Hands

Luke 23:44-46

Someone has said that you are not really prepared to live unless you are prepared to die. Much of what goes on in this world is a battle against death. Death is going to come. It is an appointment, and only God know the hour. That is why it is so wonderful to be a Christian and to know Jesus as your Savior. You then have confidence and do not have to worry about death.

We have listened intently to each time that Jesus Christ spoke from the cross of Calvary. We heard the cry of forgiveness; the cry of salvation; the cry of provision; the cry of desertion; the cry of suffering; the cry of victory; and now we hear the cry of death. "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost." How did Jesus die?

I. He Died Actually.

II. He Died Confidently.

III. He Died Willingly.

IV. He Died Victoriously.

Jesus died for our sins, He died confidently, willingly and victoriously. We can die with the same assurance. Trusting in the finished work of Christ and believing the promises of God's Word, we can face death with confidence rather than with fear! Do you know Christ as your Lord and Savior? Trust Him today!