Who Cares?

Luke 16:19-31

This morning’s text is a fearful and often forgotten text. Fearful because of the subject: hell. Fearful because of the speaker: Jesus Forgotten because most have chosen more pleasant texts.

It seems that the aim of much preaching now is to make people feel better; give them principles of how to become successful. But few sermons have to do with saving souls from hell. So the title of the message is put in the form of a question: Who Cares If a Sinner Goes to Hell?

I. God the Father Cares.

II. Jesus the Son Cares.

III. The Holy Spirit Cares.

IV. Heaven Cares.

V. Hell Cares.

Who cares if a sinner goes to hell? God the Father cares, God the Son cares, God the Holy Spirit cares, Heaven cares, and Hell cares. But the question this morning is this: Do we care?

We answer that question by what we do, not what we say! Those who care are quick to share the gospel with the lost. Those who care, pray and witness to bring sinners to Christ. Those who care give of their time, talents, and treasure to reach the lost. Those who care are involved in giving to world-wide missions. Those who care make sure that their life will witness to the power of God. Their priorities are established with eternity in view!

If you are without Christ this morning, realize that someone cares! Please don’t go to hell! Everything we do at this church is designed to see folks come to Christ. Will you come this morning?