A Second Chance

Jonah 3:1-4

I'm glad God gives second chances! I have made plenty of mistakes in my life. I'm certainly glad God didn't give up on me but instead He keeps coming back until I let him have his way with my heart. Praise God for His longsuffering and mercy.

Jonah too received a second chance. Can't you imagine That part of Jonah's prayer was, "please God, give me a second chance". Many times after salvation, like Jonah, we find ourselves in need of a second chance. You know the times I'm talking about. The times when we have made a total disaster of our lives. The times when, because we have turned a deaf ear to God, He had to get our attention the hard way. God used a storm, And three days and nights in the belly of a whale to get Jonah's attention.

What is He using to get our attention? Has He gotten It yet? If He has, are we taking advantage of that second chance?

I. We need a second chance when:

II. We get a second chance when:

III. What happens when we get that second chance?

Are we tired of being swallowed up by the whales of our afflictions? Why don't we cry out, "Please God, give me a second chance". He will.