The cross, comprised of wooden timbers and iron spikes, was the primary means of execution in the first century. It was first used by the Phoenicians and later adopted by the Romans. The cross was a grim instrument of death, and the torture of it can only be described as agony. Because the Jews of the first century lived under Roman rule, criminals declared guilty of capital crimes were crucified.
This morning we are not speaking of just any crucifixion, but rather the crucifixion of Christ. The death of Christ is directly mentioned in the New Testament 175 times. Often the 'Cross' and the 'Christ' are represented as One, because they were nailed together that day. This morning we want to center our attention upon the 'Cross' of Christ.
I. The Meaning of the Cross.
A. It meant suffering:
1. Jesus Christ was subjected to ridicule and shame.
a. for robbery or murder, a Roman slave was stripped naked and crucified.
b. the sinless of Son of God received the same shameful treatment.
c. Heb. 12:2 tells us that He 'endured the cross despising the shame'.
d. sin and shame cannot be separated, so as He bore the sin He also suffered the shame.
e. it is a tragic fact that many today, who profess to be Christians, are ashamed of the One who bore their shame on Calvary.
2. Jesus Christ was beaten severely.
a. He was taken and scourged at the hand of an expert.
b. the instrument was a 'flagellum', which was made up of a wooden handle to which were attached long strips of leather with bits of bone and metal sewn to the tips.
c. with every blow, the flesh and muscle tissue was literally ripped from the body.
d. the maximum sentence was 39 lashes, because no one was thought to be able to survive 40
3. Jesus Christ was mocked and scorned by those who should have befriended Him.
a. He came unto His own, but His own received Him not.
b. 'They said, "Away with Him! Crucify Him!"
c. So Jesus was taken and nailed to the cross by order of Pilate.
d. the amount of suffering He endured for us upon the cross surpasses our imagination.
B. It meant death:
1. He died a voluntary death.
a. John 10:11, ‘... the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.’
b. He said, ' man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself.'
2. He died a substitutionary death.
a. Jesus died for you and me, along with the rest of mankind.
b. Peter said, "Who his own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree..." 1 Peter 2:24
c. Paul wrote, "...our Saviour Jesus Christ: Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity..." Titus 2:14
3. He died a necessary death.
a. Romans 6:23, "The wages of sin is death..."
b. He had to die and shed His blood for us.
c. "Without shedding of blood is no remission" cf Heb. 9:22
d. as the lamb was sacrificed and the blood was shed as an atonement ... so the Lamb of God shed His blood on Calvary to atone for our sins once and for all!
II. The Message of the Cross.
A. Concerning Love and Sacrifice.
1. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son..."
a. when God gave His Son, it was not with any expectation that He might somehow escape the cursed death of the cross.
b. God had no hope of saving men but by the death of His Son.
c. so too, man has no hope of being saved but through the power of the Cross.
d. Ac. 4:12, "There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved"
2. "Christ also loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God" Eph. 5:2
a. the cross stands for the love of the Father an the sacrifice of God the Son.
b. the message of the Cross is the message of infinite and undeserved love.
c. only God could love sinners enough to give His only Son to the as a sacrifice for our sins.
d. 'But God commendeth His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us' cf Ro. 5:8
B. Concerning Redemption and Salvation.
1. The plan of redemption was laid before the foundation of the world.
a. John the Baptist identified Jesus as the 'Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world' cf Jn. 1:29
b. but the book of Revelation tells us that He was 'the Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world' cf Re. 13:8
2. That plan was completed when Jesus cried, "It is finished!"
a. He came to give His life a ransom for many.
b. Jesus had to die according to God's plan of redemption.
c. since the redemption has been completed now salvation is within the reach of all people.
d. "In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins..." cf Eph. 1:7
3. "Sing, Oh sing of my Redeemer, with His blood He purchased me, On the cross He sealed my pardons paid the debt and made me free!"
III. The Mob About the Cross.
A. There were the spectators.
1. These were those who came to watch His crucifixion, with apathy.
2. They were Indifferent to His suffering, and to the injustice and hatred that put Him there.
3. They never hated Christ, they just didn't care about Him.
4. This can be best seen as the soldiers cast lots for His garments while He suffered the agony of the cross.
B. There were the enemies.
1. The scribes, priests, and rulers of the Jews.
2. They had sought for some time a way to silence His message to the people, and now they were enjoying their success.
3. He had revealed their wicked and hypocritical ways and they sought relief from His convicting words.
C. There were the friends.
1. It is sad, but that was the smallest crowd that day.
2. Only a handful of sympathetic friends who were not ashamed to be recognized as those who loved Him.
3. The group consisted mostly of women, only John and perhaps Peter, was willing to be identified with Him at His death.
4. The great multitudes who were fed by the fish and loaves were not there, the many who were healed by His loving touch were not to be found, only a few consecrated followers were on hand when He died.
D. The crowds are the same today.
1. There are those who hate the sound of His name.
a. they want nothing to do with Christ or His church.
b. they are too concerned with their own plans and goals.
c. many traffic in sin and use their time, talents, and their influence for Satan.
2. There are so many today who are just indifferent.
a. they do not hate Christ, but they do not care that He died for them.
b. they are content to live their lives as though there is no eternity.
c. they are cold and callous toward His church and toward His people.
3. Thank God, there are those today who love Him, and aren’t ashamed to be identified with Him.
a. they are faithful to serve Him in any way they can.
b. they seek to tell others of His marvelous saving grace.
c. they are faithful to Him in their lives before others.
The Cross of Christ meant suffering and death for Jesus. It means salvation and redemption for all who will put their faith and trust in His finished work.
What about you this morning? Have you ever accepted Christ as your Savior? If you have, are you serving Him like you should? What crowd would you be most comfortable with? Would you come this morning?