The Cross of Christ

John 19:16-30

The cross, comprised of wooden timbers and iron spikes, was the primary means of execution in the first century. It was first used by the Phoenicians and later adopted by the Romans. The cross was a grim instrument of death, and the torture of it can only be described as agony. Because the Jews of the first century lived under Roman rule, criminals declared guilty of capital crimes were crucified.

This morning we are not speaking of just any crucifixion, but rather the crucifixion of Christ. The death of Christ is directly mentioned in the New Testament 175 times. Often the 'Cross' and the 'Christ' are represented as One, because they were nailed together that day. This morning we want to center our attention upon the 'Cross' of Christ.

I. The Meaning of the Cross.

II. The Message of the Cross.

III. The Mob About the Cross.

The Cross of Christ meant suffering and death for Jesus. It means salvation and redemption for all who will put their faith and trust in His finished work.

What about you this morning? Have you ever accepted Christ as your Savior? If you have, are you serving Him like you should? What crowd would you be most comfortable with? Would you come this morning?