I recently returned from a country in central Africa that would be considered a 'third world' country. Zambia was a country that is destitute. The government is corrupt, the people are suffering, and there is very little hope that anything will change.
We are somewhat familiar with the term 'third world'. It has come to mean a place where the people are in great need. It speaks of great poverty and sickness. A place we might visit, but we surely wouldn't want to live there.
It may surprise you to learn that we are living in a 'third world' system. It is a world where there is much poverty and sickness, and a world where the people are in great need. Right now you may be thinking that I have returned with jungle fever and I am talking nonsense, but let me explain what I am talking about this morning. We are living in the 'third world' system. When we look to the Scriptures, we find that there are five world systems explained in detail.
I. The "very good" world of Creation.
A. From the moment God spoke the world into existence, it reflected God's beauty.
1. All during that seven-day creation time span and the period prior to Adam and Eve's sin in the Garden, God's commentary on this first world was that it was "very good" Gen. 1:31.
2. According to Psalm 8:3-5, when God brought Adam, then Eve, into existence, God created them with a crowning glory and honor.
3. That means that man was king of the earth, created in the image of God, and he enjoyed fellowship with God.
B. In the world surrounding Adam and Eve, plant and animal life existed in complete harmony with man.
1. Adam enjoyed this creative harmony by "tilling and keeping" the Garden of Eden.
2. According to Genesis 3:8, "cool" breezes refreshed the day, implying an ideal climate for all living creatures.
C. Far more important than Adam and Eve's perfect physical surroundings was their privilege of fellowship with God, their Creator.
1. Rev 4:11 reminds us that God "created all things, and for thy (His) pleasure they are and were created."
2. People were created to fellowship with and to please God.
D. This perfect world ended abruptly when Adam deliberately sinned.
1. Romans 5:12 stresses the historical fact: "Wherefore, as by one man [Adam] sin entered into the world, and death by sin...."
2. 1 Timothy 2:14, "And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression."
3. Since Adam's first child had yet to be born, and the creation week was seven literal days, we may conclude this "very good" first world lasted only a short time.
II. The "world that then was" the 'fallen' world. (Gen. 3-6; 2 Pet. 3:6a)
(2 Pet 3:6) "Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:"
A. The moment Adam sinned, the close fellowship he and Eve enjoyed with God was terminated, bringing terrible effects.
1. Contrary to what the serpent had promised, Adam and Eve died spiritually.
2. Physical death also began immediately, and Genesis 5 makes us feel as if we were walking through the world's oldest cemetery.
3. Eve felt the impact of sin with every child born to her.
4. Plant and animal life were cursed and Adam's job description changed horribly.
B. What about mankind between the Fall and the Flood?
1. With the birth, anger and rebellion of Cain, Satan appears to have directed unbelievers to organize the Cainitic society.
2. This second world witnessed the total secularization of mankind.
3. After Cain murdered Abel, we read in Genesis 4:16, "Cain went out from the presence of the LORD."
4. This tragic verse describes the beginning of man's vain attempt to make the best of life without God.
C. Where did this mind-set lead?
1. Genesis 6:5, "And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."
2. By the time of Noah, the Cainitic society - unrestrained, secular and selfish - was filled with violent people.
3. God sent a flood throughout the world and removed all traces of the chaotic Cainitic society.
a. 2 Peter 3:6, "Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:"
b. But, praise God, a small remnant of people called on the name of the Lord.
c. From Abel, then Seth, we read of Enoch and Noah, who "found grace in the eyes of the LORD".
d. God rescued the human race from complete destruction by the ark, which pictured a coming provision of salvation through Jesus on the cross.
III. The "heavens and the earth, which are now" (2 Pet. 3:7)
A. This third world system began with the Flood and continues until the second coming of Jesus Christ.
1. As the second world was described as the Cainitic sinful society...
2. The third world in which we live is always under satanic attack to become a 'Babylonian' society.
(Gen 11:1-4) "And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. {2} And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. {3} And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. {4} And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth."
3. Ever since man's frustrated attempt on the plains of Shinar to build the tower of Babel, Satan has used whatever methods he can to organize sinful people to oppose God's work on earth.
B. Throughout this third world God has displayed His marvelous grace and power by establishing His covenant:
1. With Noah (never a global flood again)...
2. And then with Abraham as the family and nation through whom "all families of the earth shall be blessed" (Gen. 12:3).
3. God led throughout Israel's history, specifically through the family of King David, until He sent "his only begotten Son" into the world to redeem people from sin, death, law and this Babylonian world system.
4. When Christ comes the second time, He will destroy the forces of those who rejected Him and who resisted the work of the Word of God through the Holy Spirit and His faithful witnesses. (see 2 Thess.1:7-9).
C. Living in this Third World System
1. Don't become part of the world; though we live in this world, we should not become part of the world. (1John 2:15-17).
a. We can avoid being worldly-minded by being Christ-minded or Christ-oriented. ( I Cor. 2:15, 16).
b. Don't be conformed to the world. (Ro.12:2)
2. Display the Word of life.
a. Our God-given task for our remaining days is to "shine as lights in the world; holding forth the word of life".
b. Jesus said, "Ye are the light of the world". (Matt. 5:16)
3. Diligently seek to live for God.
(2 Pet 3:14) "Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless."
IV. The fourth world will be the Millennial kingdom of Christ. (Rev. 20:4-6)
V. The fifth and final world will be the "new heavens and new earth". (2 Pet. 3:13; Rev. 21: 22)
A. Whether we have a place in heaven for all eternity will be determined by our personal relationship with Christ.
B. It will be decided, not in the future, but right now as we live in this 'third world' system.
C. It is decided by whether or not we have identified with Christ through faith in His shed blood on Calvary as the atonement for our sins.
D. Have you placed your faith and trust in God's only begotten Son, Jesus Christ?
E. Christian, are we living up to what God desires from us?
1. Separated from the world system?
2. Shining as lights for Him in the darkness?
3. Seeking to honor Him in all we do?