Creator God

Genesis 1:1

(Gen 1:1) "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."

We have been seeking to know God in a greater and more intimate way. This morning, I want us to consider God as the Creator of all that there is. Does it really matter whether we believe in God's creation rather than in evolution? Yes, it really does. To deny the creation is to deny the very Word of God! If we cannot accept what the Bible says about the creative work of God, how can we hope to know Him in His redemptive work?

For a while this morning, let's consider God as the Creator of all things.

I. The Cause of Confusion.

II. The Divine Purposes behind Creation.

III. The Application for Each of Us.

Will you come this morning? The invitation is to come to Christ, and then publicly declare your faith in Him. Come and find the true meaning and purpose of your existence. Come and commit yourself to bring glory and honor to God.