Back to Bethel

Genesis 35:1-7

The life of Jacob is an interesting study. Some Bible characters burst onto the scene and we can know very little about them, but Jacob's life is detailed in the Scriptures so that we can really get to know him. We know about his birth, youth, manhood, dreams, aspirations, deceptions, old age, and death. The Word of God gives us an unretouched photo of Jacob's life. He was both bad and good. He was a cheater, a liar, a deceiver, a schemer, and a swindler. At the same time we see he wrestles with an angel of God pleading for a blessing. In our text this morning we find him cleansing his household of evil as he prepares to get back to Bethel and back to God.

He had been to Bethel n the past. He had seen the Lord in a way that changed his life. But time and distance had taken their toll on him. He had gotten away from the Lord and been involved in all sorts of difficulty. Now God orders him back to Bethel. He tells him to go back to that place of blessing in his past.

I. What was Bethel?

II. What did it mean for Jacob to get back to Bethel?

III. What does all this mean to us today?

We have been talking about the importance of getting back to God this morning. But, perhaps there are some here today who have never met the Lord personally. You can today! God loves you and desires to be your Lord and Savior, will you come and trust Him this morning?

Christian, has God shown you that you need to get back to Bethel? Why wait? Get back to the place of blessings. Get back to the place of service. Get back to the place where God wants you to be. Do it today!