As we continue in our study of the Epistle to the Galatian churches, let me remind you of how the book naturally breaks down for study. Chapters 1 & 2 are personal in nature, and deal with Paul's authority. Chapters 3 & 4 are doctrinal, and deal with the doctrine of justification by faith. The final two chapters are practical in nature, and deal with the application of the doctrine of justification.
In the first chapter, Paul proved that his Gospel and apostleship came directly from Christ, independent of the Twelve. In this second chapter Paul answers the question of what his relationship was with the Twelve and the Jerusalem church.
I. Personal: Paul's Authority. 1:1- 2:21 (cont.)
A. Paul's Announcement of His Gospel. 1:1-5
B. Paul's Astonishment at Their Removal. 1:6-10
C. Paul's Defense of His Minsitry. 1:11-24
D. Paul's Approval by the Apostles. 2:1-10
1. The Private Consultation. (1-2)
a. This takes place fourteen years after Paul's initial visit with Peter and James.
b. Paul and Barnabas had been ministering the gospel to the Gentiles.
c. When they returned to Antioch, they found that the Jewish legalists, Judaizers, had brought their false teachings into the church at Antioch and were creating great confusion.
d. Note: Acts 15:1-5
e. Paul was concerned over the future of the gospel among the Gentiles, that it be not destroyed by these false teachings.
2. The Public Convocation. (3-5)
a. In the fifteenth chapter of Acts, we find that several witnesses presented the case for the Gospel of Grace. cf. Acts 15:6-12
1) Peter reminded the group of the events surrounding the saving of Cornelius.
2) Paul and Barnabas related what God had done on their missionary journey among the Gentiles
b. Titus was a 'test' case.
1) He was a Gentile Christian who had never submitted to circumcision.
2) According to the Judaizers, Titus wasn't saved!
3) For him to submit to their demands would mean bondage, rather than liberty.
4) It would have meant obedience to a lie, rather than to the truth of the Gospel.
3. The Personal Confirmation (6-10)
a. Paul was not looking for some sort of personal recognition, but wanted them to recognize the "grace of God".
b. This they did in Acts 15:13-21.
c. Not only did they approve Paul's Gospel, but they en- couraged Paul in his ministry.
d. They also publicly recognized that God had assigned different areas of ministry to different men.
E. Paul's Defense of the Gospel with Peter. 2:11-21
1. Peter's Relapse. (11-13)
a. Peter had enjoyed fellow- ship with Jews and Gentiles alike.
b. But, when in the presence of some of the more legalistic of the brethren, he withdrew from this close fellowship with the Gentiles.
c. His actions had a profound affect on other believers, even Barnabas was caught up in this hypocrisy (dissimulation).
2. Paul's Rebuke. (14-21)
a. For inconsistency in his practice. v14
1) Peter was not walking in accordance with the truth of the Gospel.
2) Paul called him on this point publicly.
3) Peter, along with the other legalists, were asking the Gentiles to do something that they weren't practicing.
b. Paul introduces the doctrine of justification. v15-18
1) it is the act of God where- by He declares the believing sinner righteous in Jesus Christ.
2) not by the works of the law or the flesh!
3) he pointed out the fallacy of the Judaizers who taught that for a Jew to seek just- ification through Christ, apart from the Law, would, in itself, be a transgression of the Law.
4) to once again embrace the Law, which was destroyed by acceptance of Jesus Christ who fulfilled the Law, would mean they would make them- selves bound again to the Law.
5) to turn back to the Law denies the work of Christ on the cross.
c. Paul emphasizes the import- ance of justification by faith. v19-21
1) the Law is not a way of life, rather it means death because it condemns us.
2) the way of life is through Christ.
3) if the Law is God's way of salvation, then Christ died in vain.
Conclusion: In the next two chapters Paul builds upon this introduction and teaches the Galatian believers the doctrine of justification.