Tonight we continue our study of the book of Acts. Remember we are using the Scriptural outline for the book found in 1:8.
(Acts 1:8b) "…Ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth."
Tonight we continue studying the development of Christianity in Jerusalem.
I. Christianity in Jerusalem 1:1-8:3
A. The risen Lord 1:1-26
B. Pentecost 2:1-47
1. The power of Pentecost v 1-13
a. The significance of the 'day'
1) 'Pentecost' means fiftieth
2) There have been many 'Pentecosts' before and after this day in Acts 2
3) The feast of Pentecost took place fifty days after the feast of firstfruits
4) This was a Jewish celebration which is outlined for us in Leviticus.
(Leviticus 23:15-16) And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete: Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the LORD.
5) The timing is significant here - Jesus had told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem.
6) Now - when Jerusalem was crowded with multitudes of Jews who had come for the celebration of Pentecost the 'promise of the Father' was to come.
7) This is all a part of God's plan!
b. The filling of the Holy Spirit v 1-4
1) Luke tries to describe for us what took place; but as is often the case he was limited by his vocabulary and experience.
2) A sound came from heave - like a mighty wind
3) This sound filled the house where they had been assembled.
4) There appeared 'cloven tongues' like as of fire.
5) It sat upon each of them, and they were filled with the Holy Ghost.
6) The Holy Spirit enabled them to speak with other (Heteros) or different languages.
c. The reaction of the multitude v 5-13
1) Sometime between verse 4 and 5, the disciples left the house and went to the temple.
2) The reaction of the multitude of Jews was varied.
a) They were confounded v 6
b) They were amazed v 7
c) They were confused v 8 "and how....?"
d) They were doubtful v 12
e) They were mocking v 13
d. Note some observations
1) These men were praising God - for His wonderful works cf. 11
2) The Holy Spirit had empowered them to speak in other languages than their own
3) These languages were understood by those present
4) This is not the same as the gift of tongues.
5) This prepared the crowd to listen to Peter preach
2. The preaching of Pentecost v 14-36
a. Peter explains the phenomena (v14-21)
1) That means Peter understood what was happening.
a) He wasn't in some kind of trance.
b) He was fully aware of what was taking place.
2) He tells them that it's too early for them to be drunken - 9:00 A.M.
3) He makes reference to the Prophet Joel's writing in Joel 2:28-32
a) He is not declaring that Joel's prophecy is being fulfilled.
b) He is reminding these Jews, who were familiar with the prophecy, that what they are witnessing is not a result of drunkenness but an outpouring of the Holy Spirit!
b. Peter proclaiming the Gospel (v 22-35)
1) He reviews the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ v 22-24
2) He recites the prophecy of the resurrection from Ps. 16:8-11 and then interprets the prophecy. v 25-35
c. Peter makes the application v36
1) His closing statement is one of tremendous impact upon his Jewish listeners
2) You have crucified the Messiah!
3. The results of Pentecost v 37-47
a. The conviction (v 37-40)
1) Faced with this awful fact and realizing in their hearts that they were guilty -
2) They asked for help "...what shall we do?"
3) Peter told them to repent (a change of mind which results in a change of action).
4) Baptism is the outward sign of an inward action - " baptized for (because of) the remission of sins..."
5) Remission of sin is through faith in Christ not through the act of baptism
6) Peter states that the promise of the Holy Spirit is for all Jews who would repent!
7) He calls them to deliver themselves from their crooked generation.
b. Obedience (v 41-47)
1) They that gladly received the message were baptized
2) About 3,000 souls
3) They continued steadfastly in doctrine and fellowship
4) Note: some observations:
a) They were meeting in the temple - a Jewish temple
b) The Apostles continued to testify through signs and wonders
c) Matt. 12:38-39 - "An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign..."
d) These early believers practiced "Christian communism"
e) The Lord blessed the church and daily conversions were seen
C. The Healing of a Lame Man 3:1-26
1. The miracle v 1-11
a. The place (1)
1) The temple
2) This is because they were still on Jewish ground
3) The first seven chapters of Acts show us that the ministry of the disciples still primarily focused upon Israel
b. The picture of man without Christ (2-3)
1) He was born lame - as all are born sinners
2) He could not walk - no sinner without Christ can walk so as to please God
3) He was outside of the temple - no sinner has access to God - that comes only through Jesus Christ our mediator
4) He was a beggar - man without Christ is destitute spiritually
c. The power of Christ (4-7)