Acts 13:38-39

For man to appreciate forgiveness he must understand what life and eternity would be without it.

Note: Psa. 103:1-12

Forgiveness is necessary because of the awfulness of and the penalty of sin.

Because of the law of God, He must either forgive man’s sin or destroy all of mankind.

What is forgiveness? How does it work? Who can have it? How long will it be effective? These are questions that must be answered for each of us today.

I. Foundation of Forgiveness: the Blood of Christ.


III. Completeness of Forgiveness: All


Do you know the forgiveness of God for your sins? Have you gone to Him in faith believing and trusting only in the shed blood of Christ and His finished work on Calvary? You can be saved today!

Christians are not perfect, we are all sinners saved by grace. As such we are in need of daily forgiveness of sins.

-How often can a Christian be forgiven? -As often as we confess our sins, the Blood of Jesus Christ is available to forgive us. -There must be repentance with confession. -Repentance involves forsaking the sin and promising by God’s strength not to repeat it.

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 Jn 1:9

If you are here without Christ as your personal Savior, why not come and receive His wonderful forgiveness?

Believers, we cannot walk with Him unless it is in fellowship, and we cannot fellowship with Him with unconfessed sin in our lives. Why not come this morning and receive His forgiveness?