Matthew outlined the age long pattern for making disciples, Mark adds to the scope by saying 'every creature' in the whole world, Luke stressed the message along with the power needed, and John clarifies the job of each individual believer as being identical with the purpose He had in coming to this world: 'to seek and to save that which was lost'. Now Luke is writing again in the book of Acts. Without this added instruction the believer would be overwhelmed with the responsibility and the vastness of the task. The disciples needed the final assurance of God's help and power which would enable them to be obedient to the command of preaching the gospel to every creature. 'they had a job to do, but they were too afraid. They were spiritual cowards; they had a task to accomplish, but they were too weak to do it. Notice 3 main things from our text tonight.
I. The Promise: "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you"
A. The Promise of Power was given by the voice of authority.
1. Jesus said, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth" Mt. 28:18
2. Jesus had received power from God to do His will on earth.
3. Jesus said, 'As the father sent me, so send I you'
B. The Promise of power is needed today.
1. The great commission is still in effect today.
a. " ... unto the end of the world..." Mt. 28:20
b. " every creature..." Mk. 16:15
c. "... preached among all nations..." Lk. 24:47
d. "... so send I you..." Jn. 20:21
e. "...unto the uttermost part of the earth"
2. This generation needs the power as much as, if not more so than other generations before us.
a. the task is great: over 6 billion people
b. the laborers are few: Peter said, "I go a fishing"
c. behind closed doors: and the sad thing is that they are behind closed mouths.
II. The Purpose: "Ye shall be witnesses unto me"
A. What does it mean to witness?
1. Witness = one who bears witness by his death.
2. We bear witness by our death to the flesh.
3. A martyr also bore witness by his life in refusing to renounce the name of Christ.
B. What about witnessing?
1. Proverbs 14:5, 'A faithful witness will not lie:'
2. Proverbs 14:25, 'A true witness delivereth souls'
3. Paul was to be His 'witness unto all men of what thou hast seen and heard'. Ac. 22:15
4. Being a witness is simply telling others what Christ did. for you and that lie would also do the same for all men.
C. What about speaking in tongues?
1. Holy Spirit power is given to witness.
2. Of the times we find it in Scripture, it is not always accompanied by speaking in tongues: BUT
3. It is always accompanied by the power to witness.
a. Peter when he addressed the elders of Israel cf. Ac. 4:8; 4:31
b. Stephen, when he was about to be stoned to death. Ac. 7:55
c. Paul when he was opposed by Bar- Jesus. Ac.13:9
4. NOTE: Only three places recorded in God's Word where tongues were spoken.
a. On the day of Pentecost in Acts 2:4
b. The gentiles at Cornelius' home in Acts l0:46
c. The disciples at Ephesus in Acts 19:6
III. The Place: "Both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth"
A. The scope of the commission.
1. We must be witnesses to the entire world.
2. We cannot be content with one small area.
3. 'Where there is no vision the people perish' cf Prov. 29:18
B. The action of the commission.
1. We must go if we are to be obedient.
2. 1 John 5:19, "...the whole world lieth in wickedness."
3. It will remain there until we go and do something about it.
C. The realization of the commission
1. Acts 2:1-13; 38-47
2. How many would have been saved if they had just remained in the upper room?
3. How many would have been saved if they had said , "Not me Lord"?
Conclusion: How do we get that kind of Holy Spirit Power to witness? Cf Mt. 7:7; Jn. 15:7
ASK: some things you cannot get from anyone but God.
Seek: Other things you can have an influence.
Knock: There are some things that we must move others to get it done.