Are Miracles the Norm for Today?

Acts 17:11

Last week we delivered a foundational message on which we plan to build a series concerning the 'Modern-day Charismatic' movement. The term comes from the use of the Greek word 'Charis' which means 'gift', with the usual emphasis on the gift of tongues and healings.

Remember, we said that there were two basic approaches to Christianity.

It is my position, and the position of this church, that we use the Word of God to evaluate all experience, teachings, or writings. It is not my desire to be unkind toward anyone, but we need to be like the Bereans in Acts 17:11. We should commit ourselves to searching the Scriptures and feeding upon God's Word.

What about judgment? Jesus commanded, "Judge righteous judgment." (Jn. 7:24). He told a man, "Thou hast rightly judged." (Lk. 7:43). To others the Lord asked, "Why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right?" (Lk. 12:57). Paul wrote to the Corinthian church, "Judge ye what I say." 1 Co. 10:15). "He that is spiritual judgeth all things." (1 Co. 2:15). It is our positive duty to judge. Jesus warned us to "Beware of false prophets!" (Mt. 7:15). The only way we can know the false prophets is to judge them by the only standard that we have; the Word of God. Note: Isaiah 8:20, "To the Law and to the Testimony: if they speak not according to THIS WORD, it is because there is NO LIGHT in them." Jesus said, "Ye shall know them by their fruits." (Mt. 7:16).

Let me give you a brief history of the movement. Charles F. Parham is known as the 'father of pentecostal movements'. He founded the Bethel Bible College in Topeka, Kansas in 1900. He gave the student body an assignment to research the topic, "The evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit." They all set about to discover what it was, if it was for today, and how to get it. Their conclusions are as follows:

The question we want to address this evening is this: "Are miracles the norm for today?" Is God doing things today the way He did during the apostolic period? Should all Christians be receiving revelation, visions, voices, tongues, the power to heal, and the ability to perform miracles? Definition of a miracle: A suprnatural intrusion into the natural law that can have no other explanation other than that God is acting.


II. What about today?

Conclusion: The question we addressed this evening is this: Are miracles the norm for today? The answer is NO! Now please do not misunderstand me. God is still God. All around us we evidence of His marvelous work: in the salvation of souls here and around the world, in the healing of illness in answer to prayers, in providential circumstances which brings glory to Himself. What God does in us and through us today is not the same thing that He did in the apostolic age because He had a special purpose for the apostles, and that purpose was served. He also has a special purpose for us, and what He does in us, for us, and through us will be marvelous because He is a marvelous God! Our promise for today is not found in Mark 16:17-18, but is in Ephesians 3:20.