In God We Trust

II Timothy 1:12

"In God We Trust" can be found on our money, in our history, and on our lips. However, saying it or writing it doesn't make it so! Trust or faith is an act of our will. We decide whether or not to put our trust in something or someone. Tonight I want us to consider why we should put our trust in God. The apostle Paul makes it very clear where his trust is placed. Read: 2 Timothy 1:8-12. Let's look again at verse #12. In this verse we find the object of our trust, the result of our trust, and the final culmination of our trust.

I. The Object of Our Trust. "I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed."

II. The Result of Our Trust. "I am not ashamed: for I ... am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him..."

III. The Final Culmination of Our Trust. "...against that day."

Conclusion: What great assurance to know that God keeps us saved! "In God We Trust" because He is trustworthy! He will never forsake us! Aren't you glad that you don't have to trust your own ability (which is actually our inability) to keep ourselves saved! Read v9 and v12 again.