This morning we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But what does that really mean to you today?
To some folks this day means nothing. It is just another day...just another Sunday with no particular importance at all.
To others it is consider a ‘high holy day’...for them it may be the only day that they attend church...and they may be only to display their new spring wardrobe.
But I trust that it means more than that to you here this morning...It is a day set aside to worship our risen Lord who will one day come again to resurrect all those who have placed their faith and trust in Him.
I. Consider the events that led up to the resurrection of Christ. v1-3
A. Reflections on the Death of Christ
1. The betrayal, Peter’s denials, Pilate’s decision.
2. The suffering and substitionary death for sinners.
3. The supreme example of God’s love. (Rom. 5:8)
4. His death would have no meaning without the resurrection!
B. But the Gospel is also about the resurrection. v3-4
1. Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.
2. He was buried and rose again according to the Scriptures.
II. Consider the three great guarantees provided to believers through His resurrection.
A. The Guarantee of Our Savior (v. 5-7)
1. The resurrection declares Christ is the Son of God. "And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:" (Rom 1:4)
a. All conquerors have been conquered by death.
b. All kings have been ruled by death.
c. The philosophers have died as fools die.
d. Even religious leaders all are in their graves.
2. All have died.
"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:" (Heb 9:27)
a. Samson was not strong enough to resist death.
b. Solomon was not wise enough to escape death.
c. Methuselah live 969 years . . . but finally died.
3. Only Jesus conquered death.
4. This was the sign of His deity.
a. "...Destroy this temple and I will raise it up..." (John 2: 18-22)
b. The sign of the prophet Jonah (Matt. 12:40)
c. "...Power to lay it down and I have power to take it again..." (John 10: 17-18)
B. The Guarantee of Our Salvation. (v17-20)
1. Paul’s fearful ‘If’. [12-19]
a. We are yet in our sins.
b. No forgiveness...eternally guilty.
c. The dead are perished.
d. Every terminal illness is eternally terminal.
e. No Christian joy...nothing for which to live!
2. "But now is Christ risen from the dead..."
3. All the negatives above have been turned into positives.
4. We have forgiveness, eternal life, joy!
C. The Guarantee of Our Resurrection. (v. 21-23)
1. The resurrection of Christ’s body.
2. Christ the firstfruits in the resurrection.
a. Like the first of the harvest.
b. Christians will rise when our Lord returns.
3. We will be resurrected at the Lord’s return. cf 1 Thess. 4:13-18
a. We shall be like Him and we shall be with Him.
b. No limitations any more!
Are you resting in these great guarantees - these great promises of our Lord? Do you know the joy of salvation in Christ? If not, why not come today and accept Him as your personal Savior? Christ is risen: How will this change your life today?