This morning we honor all those who served, or are serving, in the defense of this great country in which we live. I am not ashamed to be numbered with that group. In the bulletin this morning we listed some statistics on various wars and the number of lives that were lost. Our goal is not to glorify war, but to acknowledge those who were willing to give their lives that we might have the freedom which we enjoy today. In the past year as we have come through the Gulf War crisis there was a greater emphasis placed upon prayer than we have had in years! Our President felt the weight of decisions and called for different ones to come to the White House and pray with him during the crisis. God answered the prayers with a tremendous victory and few casualties. The glory and praise should not go to the military or political advisors. It should go to God, and God alone! If there is any hope for America today it is in God. We sing "God Bless America", but it seems that many Americans have forsaken God. In many ways, our country has forsaken Him. He is no longer welcome in our schools. He is despised by those in places of authority. He is scoffed at and laughed about by many. But He is the only answer to the calamities faced by our country. Our hope lies in getting back to God! One of the greatest hinderances of that happening is Christians who are not consecrated to God. The more believers who get right with God, the better country we will have.
Read: 2 Chronicles 7:14
I. If We Are God's People.
A. Every person is a creation of God.
1. The population of the world continues to increase, and is now over 4 billion people.
2. However, not all are God's people in the spiritual sense, because many hate Him, others reject Him, and still others simply ignore Him.
3. Only those who have been born again have a relationship with God as child to his father.
B. Note: John 8:39-45
1. Jesus was addressing a group of Jews who claimed a special kinship with God.
2. Yet they hated Christ and sought to kill Him.
3. Jesus told them "If God were your Father, ye would love me..."
C. There is a vast difference between the true people of God and other people.
1. God's people have trusted in Someone other than themselves.
2. God's people seek His glory rather than their own.
3. God's people are serving God and not Satan.
a. There is no neutral ground.
b. Jesus said, "He that is not with me is against me."
c. If we are not serving Him, then we are against Him! Strong words when we realize that means we are anti-Christ!
4. God's people are headed in a different direction.
a. All men come into this world the same way.
b. All come to the point of making a decision whether to follow Christ or go their own way.
c. Proverbs 14:12, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."
II. If We Are Called By His Name.
A. Christians.
1. This was a name given to insult the believers in Antioch. cf. Acts 11:26
2. The name was given to them in scorn.
3. Now this is the brightest badge that anyone can wear.
4. It means to be Christ-like.
B. We must live up to the name.
1. Alexander the Great found that one of his soldiers that carried the name of Alexander had proven to be a coward.
2. He called the man to appear before him and instructed him to either live up to the name or change it!
3. If we bear the name of Christ, the world expects more of us!
4. Others may go certain places and do certain things and the world pays no attention to them, but if we carry the name of Christ...
5. We must be careful how we live, how we act, what we say, and where we go!
III. If We Are God's People, Called By His Name, Then Here Is What We Must Do!
A. First, we are to humble ourselves.
1. This is not easy for the average American.
2. We are a proud and boastful people.
3. Our technology is far advanced, our standard of living is the highest, and our luxuries are out of this world.
4. To humble ourselves means not only to confess our sins to God, but to admit that there is nothing good within us and that we can do no- thing without Him.
5. Jesus said, "He that humbleth him- self shall be exalted." cf. Lk. 14:11
6. Oh how we need to humble ourselves before God and seek His blessing upon us!
B. Next, we are to pray.
1. God still answers prayer!
2. Many of God's people are back- slidden and out of touch with God.
3. Prayer means:
a. An approach to God.
b. An appeal to God.
c. An expectation from God.
d. An appropriation from God.
4. What should we pray?
a. We should pray that God would reveal to us our need for Him.
b. That God would reveal to us our sins against Him.
c. That God would forgive us and cleanse us.
C. Next, we must seek God's face.
1. The only thing that hides the face of God from us is sin.
2. God calls to those who are without Christ to "Look unto me, and be saved.." cf. Is. 45:22
3. As we behold the face of God we see One who is powerful enough to supply every need.
4. If we want God's blessings upon us we must look away from everything else and seek His face!
5. We cannot look into the Lord's face and not be changed.
6. What is it that is keeping us from looking into the face of God today?
D. Finally, we must turn from our wicked ways.
1. This is the rest of true repentance.
2. We turn away from sin and turn toward God.
3. The heart which has had its hunger satisfied by the sight of God's face will no longer want to hold on to the things that grieve our Heavenly Father.
4. What we must do is stop defending our sin, and forsake it!
5. Anything in our lives which keeps us from being the very best Christian possible is a "wicked way" in God's sight.
IV. What God Will Do.
A. He will hear from heaven.
1. I'm glad that I serve a God who is concerned with me.
2. I'm glad that I serve a God who will hear my cries for help.
3. Only our iniquity will hinder our prayers.
B. He will forgive.
1. Only God could forgive our sins and make us clean again.
2. If we confess...He is faithful to forgive and to cleanse. cf. 1Jn. 1:9
3. We have the problem, but God has the answer!
C. He will heal our land.
1. I know that this is a particular promise to the nation of Israel, but I see an application here for America.
2. America is made up of individuals, and as individuals turn from their sin and seek God's face...
3. Then we will begin to see healing come to our troubled land.
Conclusion: What makes America great is great Americans. What makes great Americans is great Christians. What makes great Christians is found in our text.
God's people who are called by His name, humbling themselves, seeking His face, and turning from their wicked ways. Are you a Christian? Have you been born into the family of God? If so, are you living up to the name that you bear?