
II Chronicles 32:32-33

Over the past few Sunday evenings we have looked at some of the kings who served Israel. There is much to be learned from examining the lives of biblical characters. When we realize that it was God who determined to include their biographies within the pages of Holy Scripture. We know it was not without purpose and plan.

Many sociologists put forth the idea that man's environment determines his behavior. While that is probably true to some degree, we know that it isn't an accurate way to determine how an individual might turn out. Of course one would think that with godly parents and a godly home, the result would always be godly children; but we painfully have to admit that isn't always the case.

Tonight we will look at a man who had a godly heritage, but he chose to go a different direction in his life than his godly parents. We call this the free will of man. Every one of us has a free will to decide whether or not we will follow God in our lives. As a parent, I wanted to provide an atmosphere that would help my children to choose the right path. I want you to understand tonight, that I claim no glory for them making those choices. I thank God for His grace in their lives and for the choices which they have and continue to make. But it isn't over yet is it? Many are the folks who get started on the right path and then stray in later years.

I. His Ruin v1-9

II. His Rejection v 10

III. His Punishment v 11

IV. His Repentance v 12

V. His Restoration v 13

VI. His Restitution v 15

Manasseh had done more to hurt God's cause than any other king of Israel. He had dabbled in everything imaginable, but God still was merciful and forgiving toward him. When he turned to God, God did not turn him away!

Paul called himself the chiefest of sinners... the worst of the worst. But we know how God used him for His glory. God specializes in hard cases. Manasseh serves a great example to us of the longsuffering and mercy of God toward all who reject Him.