Authentic Love

I John 4:7-11

Yesterday was Valentine's Day. Did all you fellas remember? Some believe that it is a 'made-up' holiday established by the florists, jewelers, and candy manufacturers, but not really! They have just exploited the holiday as they have many others!

According to the encyclopedia, Saint Valentine's Day is a holiday honoring lovers. It is celebrated February 14 by the custom of sending greeting cards or gifts to express affection. The cards, known as valentines, are often designed with hearts to symbolize love. The holiday probably derives from the ancient Roman feast of Lupercalis (February 15). The festival gradually became associated with the feast day (February 14) of two Roman martyrs, both named St. Valentine, who lived in the 3rd century. St. Valentine has traditionally been regarded as the patron saint of lovers. But knowing the history and origin of the holiday doesn't bring us any closer to answering the real question…what is real love?

I found some interesting thoughts written by children on this subject. Notice what they have to say about LOVE.

Why does love happen between two particular people? "I think you're supposed to get shot with an arrow or something, but the rest isn't supposed to be so painful!"

What is falling in love like?

What do most people do on a date?

When is it okay to kiss someone?

What is the proper age to get married?

I think she had the best answer, don't you? It isn't just children that have a hard time understanding what love is all about, many adults struggle with this as well. So once again we will turn to the only source for accurate and clear understanding of all things that pertain to life…the Word of God! Within the pages of the Bible we can find the meaning of Authentic Love. This morning I want us to turn to 1 John as we seek to discover Authentic Love.

I. Declaration of Authentic Love. v7-8

II. Demonstration of Authentic Love. v9-10

III. Directive of Authentic Love v11